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What is a cloud server and how does it work?

A cloud server is a virtual server running in a cloud computing environment. It is not only built, hosted but also delivered via a cloud computing platform - basically the Internet - and can be accessed remotely. Cloud servers acquire all the software they require to run and function as independent units.  eRacks Systems, an Open Source Software Company, has been saving you crucial time and money by offering consultation and hosting services for many years. These services offer hosting over virtual servers that use resources from comprehensive basic networks of physical web-based servers.

What are the benefits of a cloud server?

*A cloud server gives the user of the business stability and security, because other cloud servers won't have an impact on your cloud server, and vice versa. Even if a user overloads their cloud server, it will have a nil effect on your cloud server.

*Cloud servers are stable, secure and fast.  Hardware issues are avoided, and that is the reason Cloud Server Hosting is likely to be the most stable option for most of the businesses that want to keep their IT budget down.

*They provide a faster service for your money. You'll get more resources and faster service.  A cloud-hosted website runs faster and more efficiently than shared hosting.

Also, professionals at eRacks can also help you tackle your network design issues and assist in getting your network up and running quickly and efficiently.

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